Monday, February 21, 2011

Take the Investor on the Journey With You-- AV Hours, Feb 22

I encourage startups to meet with investors well before they go out to raise funding to understand better the investors criteria and to build a relationship. Many investors want to see how well the entrepreneur executes on their plan so it's best to take the investor on the journey with you. By the time you go out to raise funding you should have 20 to 30 investors who you are keeping up to date on your progress.

One investor to consider is Austin Ventures. They have dedicated a portion of their fund to early stage, emerging technology companies. Last year they funded Spredfast.

The February 22nd "AV Entrepreneur Hours" event is coming up. To join you can email them at, and give a brief description of your new project. Selected entrepreneurs will get a 20 minute time slot. By Friday the 18th, they will post or email the schedule for the meeting.

Best regards,
Hall T.

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