Monday, September 17, 2007

Video Leverage – Professional Video Generation

I work at a large company in Austin and for many years our sales team would video tape sales conference presentations so others could check out the tapes and review the materials. Essentially, one of the salesmen would setup a camcorder on a tripod in the back of the room (about 100 feet from the presenter) and hit “record.” He later transferred it to a VHS tape. The image of the speaker was almost imperceptible, the voice inaudible, and in general the quality low.

An administrator kept track of the tapes for checkout and had a bookshelf full of them, all carefully labeled and archived for several years. One day, in passing, I asked, “So how many tapes have been checked out?” She replied, “Oh, no one’s ever checked out a tape. “ From that experience it became clear that viewing a video tape of a presenting person is a different experience from viewing a live presentation. The video viewer can check out of the session by simply hitting a button. Five minutes of viewing a video is equivalent to an hour of viewing a live presentation, which is why just taping a presentation and then transferring the raw footage onto a tape does not translate well.

I met with Andy Choquette from Video Leverage in Austin to plan a video shoot to be shown at the upcoming Open4Business conference event. Andy brought up several of the production quality issues one needs to keep in mind for shooting, producing, and displaying video footage. With video coming to the internet, the need for quality video grows dramatically. As Director for the Central Texas Angel Network I’m seeing more and more emails with links to a video pitch from the entrepreneur. I also find some entrepreneurs communicate their business proposition better in a pitch than in writing. Since it’s much easier for an investor to watch a ten minute video pitch than to read a lengthy business plan, it won’t be long before this is the standard in the industry.

Best regards,
Hall T.

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