Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wes Okeke talks about Fruition Tech Labs

Wes Okeke talks about Fruition Tech Labs

Where are you from originally?


What university did you go to?

Culver Military Academy

Northeastern University Boston, MA. BSEE

What is your group’s mission?

Fruition as a company is tasked to bring solutions to the right people, addressing the actual needs while being supported by those that are not only trained but also committed to the success of the community and its people

What need does it fulfill?

We facilitate the development of ideas and innovations of entrepreneurs and inventors.  We want to support entrepreneurs that need a team, direction, leadership and a process. We use our proprietary “The 5 Steps to Fruition”  process

What exactly does it bring to startups? 

We help create startups from the entrepreneur’s conceptual idea and then bring them to the point of launching  a startup.

What type of startup would benefit from your group? We support and consult with 

Startups that are any stage of their development cycle of their business. Fruition also has a program for Startups that have already launched and need assistance in creating a more competitive business model. We for these types of situations we walk startups through our “Business Growth Strategies 5 Step Process”

What was the most challenging aspect of starting up the initiative? 

The fear of our mission being labeled as  a non-profit or as a charity that would generate small revenues and low impact innovations. Fruition is a for profit company that focuses on innovations that are positioned to generate significant social impact globally as well as generate large revenues.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs?  

Before jumping into entrepreneurship, take great efforts to count the cost, make the decision and then close all the back doors.

What resource have you found to be the most helpful and why? 

Entrepreneurial networking events have proven very helpful as they have brought huge amount of encouragement and moral support plus a great deal of fruition’s client companies  and team members have been met at these events.

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